No Man’s Sky Worlds Part II: Mega Update Brings Gas Giants and Miles Deep Oceans 62 comments
Bild: Hello games
Once again there is a big update for No Man Sky. With the patch on version 5.5, there is the second part of the universe which started last summer. The “Worlds Part II” update brings with it new, more beautiful, prettier and sometimes huge planets as well as deep oceans.
The British developer studio Hello Games has still not tired of continuing to provide the eight-year-old game with updates. And as with the patch on version 5.0 with “Worlds Part I” last summer, there is now a very in-depth update to the game world.
Billions of new stars and kilometers of depth
Study leader Sean Murray talks about billions of new solar systems and a trillion new planets in a video on “No Man’s Sky Worlds Part II.” The accidentally generated universe continues to grow and obtain a new terrain system with which the planets should be more varied and detailed. This includes both high mountains and deep oceans to explore. These should be several kilometers deep and essentially form their own game world with special plants and creatures. The deeper you get, the darker it is.
Gas generators for the last match
The system for automatically creating the most diverse planets has also received a new size. There are recently gas planets (gas giants) that are expected to be ten times larger than the largest planet in the game. With immense atmospheric pressure and great gravity, inhospitable giants, especially advanced players, should offer a new “endgame” content.
New ice worlds, huge squids, seahorses and mantarochets meet new story elements, graphical lighting improvements or raindrops on water surfaces – the release notes for the update are again very, very long.
60% off main game
This update is also available for free for owners of the game. If you don’t have the game yet, you can currently acquire it with a clear 60% discount.
Windows PC and Mac (steam): 23.59 euros (-60%) as of February 10 Playstation 4 and 5: 19.99 euros (-60%) as of February 13xbox one, x | S: 19.99 euros (-60%) until February 12 Switch: 19.99 euros (-60%) until February 12 Themes: action games Gaming No Man’s Sky Simulation Games Source: Hello Games
A lifelong video game enthusiast, Julien reviews the latest releases and explores the technologies transforming the gaming world.