Metal Gear Solid δ: Snake Eater: System requirements in the framework, prices on it

Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater: System requirements in the setting, price on it 34 comments

Metal Gear Solid δ: Snake Eater: System requirements in the framework, prices on it

Picture: konami

At Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater, the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3, the system requirements remain within the framework despite the unreal 5 engine. However, the price is higher: Konami demands more money even compared to other triple-A productions.

In order to play Metal Gear Solid Δ: Snake Eater on August 28, a very average computer is required for 2025, although the graphics card is a small exception. This means that the remake remains in scope, only with the price tag being clearly higher than it.

System requirements in detail

In minimum configuration, Konami starts a Ryzen 5 360 or Core i5-8600 with six computing cores each. 16 gigabytes of must also be – which is no longer an obstacle. To do this, a RTX 2060 must be in the old mid-range GPU per computer from 2019. Even an SSD is not necessary, it is only recommended.

The recommendations are confusing. Konami calls the same AMD processor as in the minimum configuration, but at Intel a Core-I7 8700K, which can process 12 instead of 6 threads thanks to SMT. With the GPU, on the other hand, it can be much more: an RTX 3080 is still a relatively fast model and significantly faster than the RTX 2060.

System requirements for solid metal gear δ: Snake Eater Processor Recommended minimum AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Intel Core i5-8600 AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Intel Core i7-8700K RAM 16 GB RAM Graphics card Geforce RTX 2060 NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 3080 Storage space 100 GB 100 GB SSD operating system Windows 10/11 (64-bit), DirectX 12

Pre-orders are allowed first

The fact that Solid Metal Gear Δ: Snake Eater will be released on August 28, 2025 is not entirely correct. The game actually appears on August 26. But only Digital Deluxe Edition buyers are allowed to play. It contains only a few additional skins for the protagonist – for around 90 euros. The basic version costs 10 euros less, but also has almost 80 euros the purchase price but also above the new normal price of video , which has now reached 70 euros. However, pre-ordering the base version doesn’t get you playing on release day – Konami is selling a cure for impatience with the deluxe edition.

Overview of versions and bonuses Versions and bonuses at a preview (Image: Konami) Topics: game Konami Metal Gear Solid System Requirements

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