Editor’s Revival: Reclamed returns for the Indies and the classics

Publisher Revival: Reclamed Returns 29 Comments for Indies and Classics

Publisher Revival: Reclamed Returns for Indies and Classics

The publisher’s renown is facing a revival. The publisher’s Indies and Classics would bring back an old name and a new team. The company has also created new brands. There are no concrete plans yet.

Renvoye was originally founded by former Activision employees in the late 1980s. The name was already a declaration of war: due to the choice of names, the publisher positioned itself in front of the former company. In the pre- age with alphabetically sorted lists, this was a kind of cheap search engine optimization. The new edition of Reclamed will now return for Indies and Classics.

The acclaimed became known for long-forgotten brands such as Turok, Shadow Man and Forsaken, but also the Repolt of the racing game (retro test) and through crazy marketing stunts on and above the border of good taste. Among them, for example, the payment of punitive tickets for driving too fast around the release of a racing game or the offer for money, an console and a Turok game for twelve months by name change as Turok. However, the campaign was a fake: years later, a research favored that the participants were only actors who are not specifically specifically built specifically a name. However, all that remains is all that.

For new and old games

A completely new team is behind, reports Venture Beat, which will offer a whole range of publishing services. This includes financing as well as their translation or advertising, especially in the independent segment with new ideas. The publisher also has no different chance, because big brands are rarely available to new market players. Initially, a rate of 3 to 4 game publications per year is targeted. In addition, Reclamement wants to try to revive old acclaimed brands. However, this will only be possible in parts, because the rights to the various games published by acclamation at the time are now with other publishers. include Mortal Kombat, NBA Jam, Judge Dredd or Turok. Some brands, especially Turok and Shadow Man, have also been revived and received HD and remastered versions of the classics. With Darque Legacy, Shadow is already being continued – but not under the patronage of the acclaimed. It’s also unclear whether the company can afford to buy legacy brands.

Topics: Game source: VentureBeat

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