Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl: Patch 1.3 also brings a wealth of improvements

2: Heart of Chornobyl: Patch 1.3 also brings a wealth of improvements 12 comments

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl: Patch 1.3 also brings a wealth of improvements

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl Patch 1.3 (benchmark test) is also around ten gigabytes in size and improves over 1,200 features. Of course, the numerous changes affect almost every area of ​​the , whether AI or A-Life, Story, Game Progress, or Game Performance and Balancing.

Already a few fixes since the release

Stalker 2: Heart of Chornobyl is very popular, even though the game has struggled with performance issues and bugs since its release. Over 80% of the more than 80,000 reviews on the store are positive, and the Metoscore is also not bad at 73 points, if not very good. The developers are working on fixes for the open-world game that address countless issues. According to GSC Game World, patch 1.3 for Stalker 2 brings over 1,200 changes. Patch 1.2, with the hotfix patch, brought 1,700 changes, and closer to the release of patch 1.1, there were 1,800 improvements. In between, there were also smaller fixes.

The changes are very extensive.

According to GSC Game World, patch 1.3 for Stalker 2 brings improvements to almost every area of ​​the game. AI and A-Life are affected by the adjustments, as well as game balance and story, as well as general progress. Technically, performance has been tweaked and various areas of the game have been improved. Audio bugs have been fixed, and partially missing localizations have been supplemented with errors and typos.

Clearly technical changes.

The patch fixes a memory leak when navigating through NPC or player inventories. For better performance, hair quality has been reduced to “high” in the Epic graphics setting; this can be manually reset to Epic. There are no entries for optimizations regarding CPU load improvements in certain areas and the associated frame rate hits.

As usual, the full patch update, which is over 46 gigabytes in size, can be found at GSC Game World.

Topics: , , Gaming, Stalker. Source: GSC Game World

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