Forza Horizon 5: Start in late April with improvements for PS5 Pro

Forza Horizon 5: Starts in late April with improvements for PS5 Pro 19 reviews

Forza Horizon 5: Start in late April with improvements for PS5 Pro


At the end of January, Microsoft announced that the Forza Horizon 5 will also be released for Xbox and PC in 5. Now the official release date is: April 29, 2025, it should be ready. Pre-orders for the premium edition can begin four days early.

This is the first time that the series is running on the major competitor’s console. The studio’s Panic Button, which was already responsible for the console versions of Star Wars Jedi: Fall Order and the Switch versions of Doom Eternal and the Wolfenstein Reboot, is responsible for the port.

The Standard Edition includes the base game and free expansions, including the big Horizon update area, which releases on April 25. On the same day, pre-orders for the Premium PS5 Early Access version are expected to receive.

Goodies for pre-orders

With the premium edition there are also the paid expansions and rally adventures, 42 VIP Car pass vehicles and other goodies.

For all pre-orders, including those for the Standard Edition, the Mercedes-AMG Digital (2021), which graces the cover of Forza Horizon. There are also 5,000 Forzathon Points with which in-game cosmetic content can be activated. Finally, there are 5 behind-the-scenes passes with which the hidden vehicles are activated.

Only digital on the PS5

However, if you are expecting a physical version with a data carrier, you will be disappointed. It has been confirmed on X that such a release is not planned. Therefore, only the digital version can be pre-ordered in the PlayStation store.

PS5 version details

As Microsoft explains, Forza Horizon 5 will run on the PS5 in Performance mode with 60fps or in Quality mode with 30fps. On PlayStation 5 Pro, Performance mode is intended to provide more “visual fidelity”, while Raytracing quality mode is complemented by vehicles.

The PlayStation 5 gets the exact same game as every other platform. This now includes 900 vehicles, 40 updates and additional improvements since launch for the game world located in Mexico.

Play-play on all platforms

As Microsoft previously announced, cross-support for the PS5 version is also to be preserved. So, players can play online on PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

Topics: Forza Gaming Microsoft PlayStation Playstation 5 Game Consoles Source: Microsoft

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