Nintendo Switch 2: first trailer showing a new console, details in April 102 comments
Image: Nintendo
Nintendo has released a first trailer for the Nintendo Switch 2. It confirms the latest leaks, which predicted a larger screen attached to the CAD drawings, but is short on details. Most Switch 1 games will remain playable, although not all of them appear to be. Details will follow in April.
It’s the Nintendo Switch 2
The trailer titled “Nintendo Switch 2 – First-look trailer” traces the evolution from Nintendo Switch 1 with a 7-inch screen to Nintendo Switch 2 with probably an 8-inch screen in just under two minutes and a half. Nintendo not only made the screen bigger, but also adjusted the ports, Joy-Con controllers, and the flip base on the back.
GIF Nintendo Switch 2 (Image: Nintendo) Image 1 of 3
There is currently no official information on whether Nintendo will install an OLED panel and analog sticks with Hall sensors, as has been rumored in recent months. The trailer, meanwhile, suggests that the new Joy-Con controllers will be magnetically attached to the console.
The trailer does not yet allow a perfect comparison of dimensions, but comparing the old Joy Con with the new Joy Con and the old Joy Con with the new chassis gives a first impression:
The Nintendo Switch 2 will be significantly larger with the screen (likely 8 inches) (Image: Nintendo) Image 1 of 2
New 24-player Mario Kart?
Starting at minute 1:40, the trailer also shows a presumably new Mario Kart, which appears to have 24 vehicle slots in front of the starting line.
Nintendo Switch 2: A new 24-player Mario Kart? (Image: Nintendo)
Backward Compatibility
Nintendo promises that the Nintendo Switch 2 will be able to play Nintendo Switch games sold only in digital form as well as on memory cards. However, “some” games will not be “supported” or may not be fully “compatible”, Nintendo plans to release details later.
Screenshot (80) (Image: Nintendo)
Details during a Nintendo Direct in early April
This should also affect all additional information about the Nintendo Switch 2. Nintendo promises the final presentation, certainly with prices and a date, for April 2, 2025 as part of a “Nintendo Direct”.
The final presentation of the Nintendo Switch 2 is scheduled for April 2, 2025 (Image: Nintendo)
Hands-on events for players and fans are planned for April 25-27 in various cities around the world, including in Europe in Berlin, Paris, London, Milan, Amsterdam and Madrid. Anyone interested can enter the draw using their Nintendo Account starting January 17 at 3:00 p.m.
Free Nintendo Account required to register. You can only register for one event in Europe. You can register for a chance to win tickets as an individual or in a group of up to six people. You must be at least 18 years old and have a Nintendo Account to enter the contest.
If you sign up as a group, each member of the group must have a Nintendo Account that is linked to the same Nintendo Account family group. For children under 16, a parent or guardian can create a child account as part of a Nintendo Account family group.
Topics: Nintendo Games Nintendo Switch Game Consoles Source: Nintendo

A lifelong video game enthusiast, Julien reviews the latest releases and explores the technologies transforming the gaming world.